Battles of Courage

We’ve been learning about American history this year in our homeschool studies, avoiding textbooks whenever possible. History is my favorite and I especially love reading good literature to my kids to tell the stories of the past. Historical facts are…

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A Decade of Gratitude

Sweet Mason, a whole decade without you is a very long time indeed. This morning I opened my journal to write my Saturday thankful list and instead of thinking over the last week like I usually do, my thoughts were…

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From the Blog

Anthony and Stephanie Naimo

Hello friend!

It's lovely to meet you

I am the wife to an amazing man and the mom to 5 children… 4 of whom I hold in my arms, and one that Jesus holds in his. On September 28, 2014 we said goodbye to our son Mason. My walk through the valley of the shadow of death after suddenly losing my 6-year-old son has brought me into the beautiful presence of Jesus. This blog started as a place for me to process grief and share the rich truth God was showing me in the darkness. These are my reflections on how intense, stifling pain and the overwhelming goodness of God can co-exist. Light is so much more evident in the contrast of darkness. Learn More...