I’m Stephanie. The wife to an amazing man and the mom to 5 children… 4 of whom I hold in my arms, and one that Jesus holds in his.
On September 28, 2014 we said goodbye to our son Mason.
My walk through the valley of the shadow of death after suddenly losing my 6-year-old son has brought me into the beautiful presence of Jesus. This blog started as a place for me to process grief and share the rich truth God was showing me in the darkness. These are my reflections on how intense, stifling pain and the overwhelming goodness of God can co-exist. Light is so much more evident in the contrast of darkness.
As life has continued to morph and change after losing Mason, this little online corner of the world has become an outlet for all the changes life brings and how losing a child has greatly shaped how I view this world. And more importantly, how I view eternity.
And while grief taints every day I live on this earth, so does hope.
God has shown me how he doesn’t waste anything. Not the short life of my son, the buckets of tears and the wretched grief. Nor does he waste moments, little and big. The joy-filled and the mundane. This life he gives us is a gift.
So we are living on purpose. Living to make it count.
My husband, Anthony, works for Hope Partners International, who operates Hope Centers in impoverished areas around the world. One of these is a home for orphan girls in India, named Mason’s Place, established in honor of our son.
We have been given a big responsibility with our story, knowing God has called us to share His hope. So we are selling everything we own and traveling around the country to share our story, to share the ministry of Hope Partners and be faithful to what God has called us to.
In the mix of all that, I homeschool, write, and generally fail miserably at keeping my house clean. I love sunsets at the beach, the laughter of my children, a good book and a rainy day. And I long for the perfection of eternity every day of my life.
“All their life in this world and all their adventures had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one earth has read: which goes on for ever: in which every chapter is better than the one before.” -C.S. Lewis, The Last Battle
contact: naimofam@gmail.com
on instagram as @naimogirl