Easter is my favorite. I have been reading about the last days of Jesus this week. As he was heading closer to the cross, he was sharing such deep truth with his disciples. Such divine moments with them. Washing their…
The Valley
I was recently helping my son practice his Awana verses and when I turned the page to start his newest one, my chest tightened and my breath caught for a moment. Staring back at me from the page was Psalm…
Let Nothing Be Wasted
We deliberated for many months as to what we should name Mason. It wasn’t so easy to agree on anything. When we finally decided we both liked the name Mason, it was then on to, “Now what should his middle…
Feeding on Faithfulness
I often think of those early days after Mason died when we were completely overwhelmed with love by the people around us. I learned many things in those days. The importance of being in community, the value of friends and…
The Uninvited Guest
When Anthony and I were engulfed in the raging sea of disbelief that our son had died, we were grasping for any tools we could get our trembling hands on to deal with our grief. One of these was meeting…
The Fullness of Joy
Back in those days when Mason was a baby and he cried. And cried. And cried. And he didn’t sleep. And I was on the verge of losing my last ounce of sanity, I remember lamenting my woes to my…