Our travels are not yet over, but we are currently experiencing a little down time in Arizona, spending time with family and friends. (And also doing a little house hunting!)

We’ve enjoyed a wedding and graduation celebrations this month. We’ve also had the incredible gift of staying in a home for a few weeks. A real home! With TWO bathrooms! And a dishwasher! And a kitchen large enough that more than one of us can fit in it without even having to touch each other.
It’s been magical.
I’ll be honest about full-time RVing.
It’s amazing. It’s rich and wonderful and I love it.
It’s also hard. And overwhelming. And a lot of work.

So, I’m continually asked about our favorite places in our travels. It’s a pretty impossible questions to answer. It’s actually easier to say our least favorites. There are a lot fewer of those. So much research goes into our itinerary that we really have hit the highlights.
One of my favorite resources for trip planning is this book:

We call it the travel Bible and it really hasn’t led us astray. We also have friends who have gone before us and it helps to ask the people who know. (Like my friend Jenn who is a far better documenter than me when it comes to RVing.)
We’ve been traveling for almost 2 years and I feel like there is so, so much more to see in this beautiful country of ours. We hope to buy a house and settle down for a bit at the end of the summer, but our traveling days are far from over. So then we’ll face the hard dilemma, revisit the places we love, or see the places we’ve missed?
Meanwhile, I’m compiling my lists of favorites by category. Favorite beaches, favorite mountains, favorite national parks, etc… And if I can keep myself from getting distracted I may actually finish them and put them in blog form.
So… thanks for following along on these adventures of ours. I hope sharing our life with you encourages you to love your family, love Jesus and long for the richer and deeper things.