We love our Jayco North Point 377 RLBH. It’s home for 6 people. And even though it’s a lot of people for a small space, it really works great for our family.
We bought our 2017 model in great shape. But I’ve always wondered, why are RVs SO dark inside? And also, why the super outdated window coverings? So, some new flooring, paint, window treatment and furniture makes it feel like home.
One of the big selling points for us when choosing this fifth wheel was all the open space and windows in the living area.

The storage in the kitchen, although not much compared to an actual house, is quite generous for an RV. (Someday, I would love to switch out this counter top for butcher block.)

Off the kitchen is the mid-bunk room that is shared by Griffin and Ella.

Griffin fits in the upper bunk. We removed the couch and Anthony built a bed that rests on the desk for Ella to sleep in. The only bummer is that it has to all be broken down every time we travel so the slide out can come in.

Ella could have slept on the couch if we had kept it but only when made into a bed. And we would have lost all the storage space we gained by removing it. And with 6 of us living in it full time, we need the storage.
Down the hall is the loft, bathroom and master.

Grady and Bennett share the loft area. Sometimes I feel bad that my 14 year-old son has to share such a tiny space with a 3 year-old. Then I remember that Grady basically ends up in our bed most of the time anyway so Bennett mostly has the space to himself.

Fortunately, he’s pretty easy going and not concerned about things like needing to be able to sit up straight. (He’s also easy going about the fact that I still haven’t replaced that hideous blackout curtain.)
Behind the pillows are little spaces for books and stuff.

Both boys love the space and the curtain helps make it feel more private.

Bennett uses the hall cabinet for his clothes and Grady uses the dresser in our room.
The master works great for us. We kept the queen bed that came with the trailer because a king would really cut into the room space. And there isn’t much to spare.

The closet is really roomy and we also have a washer dryer.

Game changer!
I’ve talked to many people who want this closet for more storage space. Many people prefer to go to the laundromat and crank out all their loads at once.
Not me. I do at least a load a day and it makes life so much simpler to not have to plan around laundromats.
So, I love our trailer. And although it feels massive to me on travel and parking days, it feels pretty amazing on living days.

Our rig has had its fair share of issues and we are waiting on the parts to be available in order to take it in for a recall on the suspension. But I think that’s true of any RV out there and we really love the one we have. It’s been a great home for us these past 4 months and we look forward to many more great memories in it.
[…] So what advice would I give someone trying to choose an RV for full-timing? Consider how you live and what meets your family’s needs best. If you have littler or fewer kids than me, there are probably far more options for you. But if like me, you have several adult size humans to fit into a very small space, the Jayco North Point is a truly great option. (See our tour here.) […]